市政饮用水处理:获得安全饮用水被认为是一项基本人权。 然而,世界上六分之一以上的人口,主要是发展中国家,缺乏可靠的获得这种水的机会。 客户向饮用水公司投诉诸如味觉、气味、颜色、粘液、低压和供水等事件。 在英国,估计所有客户关于饮用水的投诉中,有三分之一与水变色有关(Cook等人,2005年)。 这些投诉极大地削弱了客户对自来水公司的信心。
Iron and Manganese contamination of water have long been considered to only lead to aesthetic problems, in that they are secondary contaminants that have little or no adverse health effects. However, research conducted by Wasserman et al. (2006) indicated a relationship between increased Mn concentrations in drinking water and reduced intellectual functions of children. Increased levels of Iron and Manganese concentrations have been found to be the main cause of drinking water discolouration (Slaats, 2002). Furthermore, discoloured water could also lead to coloured stains on laundries and sinks, increased treatment costs, reduced treatment capacity and increased pumping costs. Water with high concentrations of Iron and Manganese has been found to give water an unpleasant metallic taste and vegetables cooked with it become dark and look unappetizing (Herman, 1996).
High Iron and Manganese levels can lead to non-compliance with drinking water regulations. The drinking water standard for most jurisdictions for iron is 0.3 milligrams per liter (mg/l), and the standard for manganese is 0.05 mg/l respectively. The quality of water changes as it travels from source to consumers in Water Distribution Networks (‘WDNs’). Although water companies generally set post-treatment targets of Fe and Mn to about 3% of their respective MCLs, low concentrations of Fe and Mn still enter the network and gradually accumulate on pipe walls within WDNs. Given the wrong conditions, such as high flows created by a water main burst or high diurnal consumption of drinking water, these accumulated particles may subsequently lead to water discolouration and end up in customers’ taps.
In order to begin the process of oxidation of the iron (and manganese) in solution DMI-65® is designed to operate in the presence of chlorine or other oxidants. In this process the oxidant removes electrons and is consumed in
the process. The operator needs to ensure that there is a 0.1 – 0.3 ppm free chlorine residual in the effluent water. Chlorine, fed as sodium hypochlorite or bleach (12.5% NaOCl), is the preferred oxidant since it is relatively inexpensive, readily available around the world and it is effective. It also performs the vast majority of any disinfectant process.
Unlike ion exchange resins where higher regenerant dosages will increase the ion exchange capacity, NaOCl residuals or concentrations higher than required to oxidize the Iron and Manganese do not increase the oxidative properties of the media. Additionally, since the media is often used to pretreat waters prior to an RO system a higher free chlorine residual would require more extensive post treatment to reduce the residual and protect the membranes from chlorine attack.
DMI-65® has been certified to the US Standard of NSF/ANSI 61 for Drinking Water System Components and for use in England and Wales Under Regulation 31(4)(a) of the water supply (Water Quality) regulations 2010 and has also been tested by many other water treatment authorities and laboratories.
南非乔治市政水厂使用超过550公吨的DMI-65®。 乔治水是高颜色含有Humic和Fulvic酸 – 原水的颜色是大约。 800 PtCo 颜色单位。 这种类型的水被认为是最难过滤的其中一种。 无论pH,去除铁都非常有效。发现的最高残留铁为0.01毫克/升。 锰去除也非常有效。 发现的最高剩余锰是0.06毫克/升Mn最好在较高的pH8去除。 即使在较高的 pH 时,铝去除的额外好处。记录的最高浊度为 0.06 NTU。 根据我们的实验室测试,最高颜色为 4 mg/l PtCo,但大多数时候颜色低于从乔治的药店购买的蒸馏水的颜色。 工厂自2007年1月初开始运行,并继续取得优异的成绩。 乔治市政水厂使用相同的DMI-65®过滤介质超过13年,没有故障或性能下降。
位于南非德班的威特班克市水处理厂由18个大型快速砂过滤器组成,利用1200吨过滤介质从当地地面水源中去除铁和锰。 当地水处理专家和DMI-65®水技术公司Capd通过2018年的成功试航,展示了将系统升级到DMI-65®的性能和成本优势。 工厂升级于2019年开始,预计于2020年底完成。